Hi! My name is Olivia.
I began my journey as a practitioner by offering harp in hospice settings, where I discovered my true calling: using sound and vibration to enhance quality of life before reaching the final days;
healing our ancestral lines and creating positive ripples for future generations
We operate primarily from the subconscious. Our subconscious is our programming, our deeply rooted belief system which begins forming very early on in life. If we want to shift our lives, we must shift our subconscious. But how?! I discovered the vibrational therapy modalities described here, and I began experiencing profound changes in my life; changes I had been seeking for a very long time. I can confidently say that I have cultivated self-love and live more embodied, joyfully, and peacefully now. What used to trigger me in the past doesn’t have the same effect today. The emotional charge has been neutralized. If these tools helped me, then they must be able to help some other people too. It is my hope and vision for the world to experience more peace and more love. Ultimately, we can only control ourselves, and the most impactful way we can contribute to the world is by healing ourselves - by choosing healthy thought patterns and cultivating positive relationships with ourselves. In doing this, we interact more kindly and healthfully with the world around us, shining brighter and inspiring others to heal and shine brighter as well. Together we can collectively raise the consciousness on this planet and create a more beautiful world.
As a survivor of childhood trauma, life was never easy. I struggled emotionally, physically, and spiritually from a very young age. I developed appropriate coping mechanisms, but eventually came to understand that these defenses were really just holding me back from the life I wanted to be living as a grown-up. Talk therapy helped me logically understand my behaviors and reactions to situations, but after decades of talking about these circumstances and logically sorting through them, I still FELT stuck. I was still creating and finding myself in situations that were detrimental to my well-being. I constantly changed therapists because I was embarrassed to admit that what we were doing wasn’t actually helping me, and whenever I did assert this, I felt like it was my fault - like I just wasn’t successfully applying what I had learned to my life. It led me to search for another way to heal.